You see
I know you by name
You know
I don’t always have control.
There’s something I can’t shake
You know, it’s you. I can make it,
you can break it. Just wait, til I’m
livin my best life. You chase me
like a demon in my dreams
(or am I in a nightmare).
I don’t know
That much I hate, I fear. I fear
you’ll hold me down and tear me apart
Waiting to break me,
waiting til I’m down,
You come and go as you please,
just like the ocean’s tidal waves.
Here I am, don’t down me
I’ll just float into serenity.
Sometimes all I want to do is
Sometimes all I know is
you’re my constant friend
(or worst enemy).

I know I have been writing a lot of these poems on anxiety. It’s like I always come back to the subject. I had set a challenge to complete my own A-Z poetry challenge. I still have the list, but as a poet and writer, I know it is important to just write.
I hope you enjoy this section of my blog. It is perhaps the deepest part of me, so I thank all of you for reading my poetry and supporting me.